Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My favorite videos

I hosted our Global Internet Marketing summit last week here in Dallas. It's basically a session where we get together as an organization and review where we are and talk about where we should be going. In the course of two days I played a few videos which fit in well with some of the themes of the discussion and have been my personal favorites for a while.

Here they are (in the order I think I played them at the Summit):

1) Thank You

2) Information R/evolution

3) Silly job interview

4) Debunking third-world myths w/ the best stats you have never seen

5) Sway

6) Argument clinic

7) Predicting the Next 5000 Days of the Web

8) Do schools kill creativity?

9) How to manage your staff?

10) Ideas that spread, win.

11) Habbits of happiness

12) Building a windmill

Incredible stuff. On another night, I will come back in and give you guys some context to the videos. But they pretty much stand on their own. Watch as often as you'd like - I have always gotten something new and different each time. :)

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