Sunday, July 13, 2008

Recommendations on LinkedIn

My hypothesis is that people with very full descriptions and lots of recommendations on LinkedIn are suspect.

Why do I say that?

Well, let's just say that I have seen many a LinkedIn profiles of people whom I have known very well. People who have worked with me. Worked for me. And there are these flowing recommendations which I read and can only stop myself from falling over! What the heck?? Is this the same person I worked with? Are you kidding me? Come on.

And the worst thing is that I see some recommendations from people who I KNOW think otherwise. Beyond belief!!

My hypothesis is that when people get an email from others asking for a recommendation (repeatedly) they can only but say good things. Most people struggle to give their honest feedback especially in a public setting.

So in my experience, I usually ignore the LinkedIn recommendations.

Nor do I ever ask for them.

The way I see it. If somebody wants to recommend me for something, it means a lot more if it comes on its own, unasked. And if not, well then there's a new feature for LinkedIn.

The Non-Recommendation. Give the rest of us a chance to set the record straight. :)


Rahul said...

Hi Devashish , I guess sometimes the recommendations are can always ignore a recommendation request if you feel that you do not think very positively about a person.

I personally feel that sometimes you need endorsement like these to make a decent first impression on potential recruiters .

Devashish said...


I agree there are some genuine recommendations. But what I was getting to was that when you see glowing recommendations of individuals where (at least in your experience through your filter) you have seen and feel different. Well, then it reduces the credibility of the recommendations for all.

Of course, the best way is to meet the individual and judge for yourself. :)